While at LIPN I've taught DLL (alone) and PFA (with Jean-Yves Moyen). I've also done class and lab exercises for PI, a course managed by Sébastien Guérif.
I've always kept web pages for all the courses managed by me. Even if I'm not at LIPN any longer I'm archiving a copy of these pages, in the hope that they will be useful to somebody else.
Since several people liked my page referring tutorials and Unix documentation, I'm adding a further link to it here.
DLL (Master 1 Informatique, Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13) is a course introducing the philosophy and practice of free software (and an occasion for doing some advanced programming), taught by me at Institut Galilée, Université Paris Nord.
PFA (Master 2 Programmation et Logiciels Sûrs, Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13) is a course about advanced aspects of functional programming. It is part of the Master 2 Spécialité Programmation et Logiciels Sûrs of Institut Galilée, Université Paris Nord. This year I teach classes (CM), while Jean-Yves Moyen manages the lab exercises (TP). About the first half of my lessons is based on what Jean-Vincent Loddo and Jean-Yves did in 2009; of course all mistakes in what I do or write remain mine.
Licence 1, Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13: I do TDs and TPs for group 6, which is mostly made by Computer Science students. Students of other disciplines also follow the same course.
PI is about C programming, low-level data representation and some fundamental elements of computer architectures, algorithms and compilation.
The course is managed by Sébastien Guérif.
This is the home page of the 2011 course.
All students are strongly invited to must subscribe to the course mailing list, with
simple web interface.
September 2012: second rattrapage.
This is the home page of the 2011 course.
All students are strongly invited to subscribe to the course mailing list, with
simple web interface.
The course is managed by Sébastien Guérif, but of course my students can also contact me.
I did class and lab exercises (TD and TP in French jargon) for the Imperative Programming course («Programmation Impérative», Insitut Galilée, Licence première année) managed by Sébastien Guérif and Daniel Kayser. My group was number 6.
I didn't maintain a web page for this course myself.
This is the home page of the 2010 course.
The page also contains pointers to TP information and the final project written by Jean-Yves Moyen, to be found on his page. Of course you can not submit 2010 projects any longer.
This is the home page of the 2010 course.
Of course you can not submit 2010 projects any longer, and marking modalities are also different.
This is the home page of the 2009 course.
Of course you can not submit 2009 projects any longer.
This is the home page of the 2008 course.
The 2008 TP page explains everything
about the final 2008 project;
Here is the information about the 2008 rattrapage project.
Of course you can not submit 2008 projects any longer.
Here is the home page of the 2007 course.
I'm particularly proud of the final TP.
Information about the rattrapage is available here.
Of course you can not submit 2007 projects any longer.
After the end of DEVL 2007 some students asked me where to get more information about the
GNU/Linux command line; they needed it for some other course they were just starting, yet
they asked me. Go figure.
I'm happy to give them
some pointers
and I'm interested in any feedback, as usual.
Luca Saiu
Last modified: 2013-06-17
Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Luca Saiu
Verbatim copying and redistribution of this entire page are permitted provided this notice is preserved.