An ag(e)ing hacker - posts tagged as "d-annunzio"

Luca Saiu's blog

Posts tagged as "d-annunzio" (only one post is present)
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Writing every day2011-09-09 01:50
Updated: 2011-09-12 08:00
I’ve been remembering the Latin phrase Nulla dies sine linea (no day [shall pass] without [writing] a line) for years now. Until a couple of minutes ago I was sure it was a motto by Gabriele d’Annunzio(1) (1863-1938), who despite the sheer beauty of some of his prose and poetry was quite revolting as a person — the kind of artist that you cannot quite declare you admire without adding all sorts of qualifiers and disclaimers. Annoying but necessary. You know, it’s about your reputation, and here I’m not kidding: that guy was a lot worse than just a histrionic [...] Read more
Tags: d-annunzio, english, latin, meta, myself, very-bad-literature

Posts tagged as "d-annunzio" (only one post is present)

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Luca Saiu

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